This msi installer gives folks the option to install XML Notepad on machines that are isolated from the internet and This step will only work for the author who owns the msi using the certificate installed by the author. There is also a sign.cmd script invoked by this build that will try and sign the Then right click the XmlNotepadSetup project and select "build". To build that setup you will need to install the WIX toolset then the Wix Toolset Visual Solution uses the WIX Toolset to build a standalone windows. msi installer #Īfter building the Release configuration of XmlNotepad.sln load the XmlNotepadSetup.sln. This is the most convenient installer since it isĪ single click and also provide auto-updating whenever a new version is published. This setup provides the ClickOnce installed version of XML Notepad installable from lovettsoftware. Specified using environment variable MYKEYFILE, but you can build, debug and test XML Notepad It is recommended you use strongly signed bits. The publish bits in a folder named d:\git\lovettchris\XmlNotepad\publish\ you can change this on Open the Application project properties and you will see a Publish option there. This is done this way because Visual Studio will lock this file after doing a build, so you wouldn't beĪble to compile the new version. Resulting BuildTasks\bin\Debug\XmlNotepadBuildTasks.dll to BuildTasks\XmlNotepadBuildTasks.dll, then reload the Note: if you change the SyncVersions.cs code, and build a new DLL you will need to close VS, and copy the You will also have to restart Visual Studio so that the new versions are picked up by the ClickOnceĭeployment information in Application.csproj.
The BuildTasks project contains special MSBuild task that is used to synchronize the Version.props informationĪcross multiple places so you can edit the version number there be sure to update both the ApplicationRevisionĪnd the ApplicationVersion so that the final number in the ApplicationVersion matches the ApplicationRevision. Some breaking changes in the Windows Automation layer that XML notepad tests are using. The tests all pass on Windows 10, but currently some tests fail on Windows 11, there seems to be Screen lock until this test is completed. This is a GUI test, so do not move your mouse or type on your keyboard or let your
The following additional conventions are also followed: The default C# formatting settings that ship with VS 2022. XmlNotepad follows the standard C# Coding Guidelines with NET Framework version 4.7.2 which is the default target for VS 2022. NET frameworks, so be sure to install the ".NET desktop development" feature when using the Visual Studio Installer. You can build and test XML Notepad using Visual Studio 2022.